
Reverse Engineer · Passionate CTF player
ECSC Team France 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Github · Root-Me

Patching Steam binaries

Patching Steam executable files can prove useful for diverse purposes, one of those being vulnerability research in the Steam client. This short post will explain how you can circumvent a few obstacles to achieve that, before presenting an applied example.

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European Cyber Week CTF Quals 2021 — Pipe Dream (Writeup)

From October 8th to October 24th took place the online qualification round for the European Cyber Week CTF Finals, that are held every year in Rennes, France.

I had the opportunity to create a challenge for this event as part of my internship at Thalium. This was the first time I actually publish a challenge and I hope those who gave it a try enjoyed it.

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